Dans cette vidéo je vous propose de créer un miroir trés rapidement grâce au Shader. Nous utiliserons un Plane afin de simuler le miroir.
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Shader "FX/MirrorReflection" { Properties { _MainTex ("Base (RGB)", 2D) = "white" {} [HideInInspector] _ReflectionTex ("", 2D) = "white" {} } SubShader { Tags { "RenderType"="Opaque" } LOD 100 Pass { CGPROGRAM #pragma vertex vert #pragma fragment frag #include "UnityCG.cginc" struct v2f { float2 uv : TEXCOORD0; float4 refl : TEXCOORD1; float4 pos : SV_POSITION; }; float4 _MainTex_ST; v2f vert(float4 pos : POSITION, float2 uv : TEXCOORD0) { v2f o; o.pos = mul (UNITY_MATRIX_MVP, pos); o.uv = TRANSFORM_TEX(uv, _MainTex); o.refl = ComputeScreenPos (o.pos); return o; } sampler2D _MainTex; sampler2D _ReflectionTex; fixed4 frag(v2f i) : SV_Target { fixed4 tex = tex2D(_MainTex, i.uv); fixed4 refl = tex2Dproj(_ReflectionTex, UNITY_PROJ_COORD(i.refl)); return tex * refl; } ENDCG } } }
using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; // This is in fact just the Water script from Pro Standard Assets, // just with refraction stuff removed. [ExecuteInEditMode] // Make mirror live-update even when not in play mode public class MirrorReflection : MonoBehaviour { public bool m_DisablePixelLights = true; public int m_TextureSize = 256; public float m_ClipPlaneOffset = 0.07f; public LayerMask m_ReflectLayers = -1; private Hashtable m_ReflectionCameras = new Hashtable(); // Camera -> Camera table private RenderTexture m_ReflectionTexture = null; private int m_OldReflectionTextureSize = 0; private static bool s_InsideRendering = false; // This is called when it's known that the object will be rendered by some // camera. We render reflections and do other updates here. // Because the script executes in edit mode, reflections for the scene view // camera will just work! public void OnWillRenderObject() { var rend = GetComponent<Renderer>(); if (!enabled || !rend || !rend.sharedMaterial || !rend.enabled) return; Camera cam = Camera.current; if( !cam ) return; // Safeguard from recursive reflections. if( s_InsideRendering ) return; s_InsideRendering = true; Camera reflectionCamera; CreateMirrorObjects( cam, out reflectionCamera ); // find out the reflection plane: position and normal in world space Vector3 pos = transform.position; Vector3 normal = transform.up; // Optionally disable pixel lights for reflection int oldPixelLightCount = QualitySettings.pixelLightCount; if( m_DisablePixelLights ) QualitySettings.pixelLightCount = 0; UpdateCameraModes( cam, reflectionCamera ); // Render reflection // Reflect camera around reflection plane float d = -Vector3.Dot (normal, pos) - m_ClipPlaneOffset; Vector4 reflectionPlane = new Vector4 (normal.x, normal.y, normal.z, d); Matrix4x4 reflection = Matrix4x4.zero; CalculateReflectionMatrix (ref reflection, reflectionPlane); Vector3 oldpos = cam.transform.position; Vector3 newpos = reflection.MultiplyPoint( oldpos ); reflectionCamera.worldToCameraMatrix = cam.worldToCameraMatrix * reflection; // Setup oblique projection matrix so that near plane is our reflection // plane. This way we clip everything below/above it for free. Vector4 clipPlane = CameraSpacePlane( reflectionCamera, pos, normal, 1.0f ); //Matrix4x4 projection = cam.projectionMatrix; Matrix4x4 projection = cam.CalculateObliqueMatrix(clipPlane); reflectionCamera.projectionMatrix = projection; reflectionCamera.cullingMask = ~(1<<4) & m_ReflectLayers.value; // never render water layer reflectionCamera.targetTexture = m_ReflectionTexture; GL.SetRevertBackfacing (true); reflectionCamera.transform.position = newpos; Vector3 euler = cam.transform.eulerAngles; reflectionCamera.transform.eulerAngles = new Vector3(0, euler.y, euler.z); reflectionCamera.Render(); reflectionCamera.transform.position = oldpos; GL.SetRevertBackfacing (false); Material[] materials = rend.sharedMaterials; foreach( Material mat in materials ) { if( mat.HasProperty("_ReflectionTex") ) mat.SetTexture( "_ReflectionTex", m_ReflectionTexture ); } // Restore pixel light count if( m_DisablePixelLights ) QualitySettings.pixelLightCount = oldPixelLightCount; s_InsideRendering = false; } // Cleanup all the objects we possibly have created void OnDisable() { if( m_ReflectionTexture ) { DestroyImmediate( m_ReflectionTexture ); m_ReflectionTexture = null; } foreach( DictionaryEntry kvp in m_ReflectionCameras ) DestroyImmediate( ((Camera)kvp.Value).gameObject ); m_ReflectionCameras.Clear(); } private void UpdateCameraModes( Camera src, Camera dest ) { if( dest == null ) return; // set camera to clear the same way as current camera dest.clearFlags = src.clearFlags; dest.backgroundColor = src.backgroundColor; if( src.clearFlags == CameraClearFlags.Skybox ) { Skybox sky = src.GetComponent(typeof(Skybox)) as Skybox; Skybox mysky = dest.GetComponent(typeof(Skybox)) as Skybox; if( !sky || !sky.material ) { mysky.enabled = false; } else { mysky.enabled = true; mysky.material = sky.material; } } // update other values to match current camera. // even if we are supplying custom camera&projection matrices, // some of values are used elsewhere (e.g. skybox uses far plane) dest.farClipPlane = src.farClipPlane; dest.nearClipPlane = src.nearClipPlane; dest.orthographic = src.orthographic; dest.fieldOfView = src.fieldOfView; dest.aspect = src.aspect; dest.orthographicSize = src.orthographicSize; } // On-demand create any objects we need private void CreateMirrorObjects( Camera currentCamera, out Camera reflectionCamera ) { reflectionCamera = null; // Reflection render texture if( !m_ReflectionTexture || m_OldReflectionTextureSize != m_TextureSize ) { if( m_ReflectionTexture ) DestroyImmediate( m_ReflectionTexture ); m_ReflectionTexture = new RenderTexture( m_TextureSize, m_TextureSize, 16 ); m_ReflectionTexture.name = "__MirrorReflection" + GetInstanceID(); m_ReflectionTexture.isPowerOfTwo = true; m_ReflectionTexture.hideFlags = HideFlags.DontSave; m_OldReflectionTextureSize = m_TextureSize; } // Camera for reflection reflectionCamera = m_ReflectionCameras[currentCamera] as Camera; if( !reflectionCamera ) // catch both not-in-dictionary and in-dictionary-but-deleted-GO { GameObject go = new GameObject( "Mirror Refl Camera id" + GetInstanceID() + " for " + currentCamera.GetInstanceID(), typeof(Camera), typeof(Skybox) ); reflectionCamera = go.camera; reflectionCamera.enabled = false; reflectionCamera.transform.position = transform.position; reflectionCamera.transform.rotation = transform.rotation; reflectionCamera.gameObject.AddComponent("FlareLayer"); go.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave; m_ReflectionCameras[currentCamera] = reflectionCamera; } } // Extended sign: returns -1, 0 or 1 based on sign of a private static float sgn(float a) { if (a > 0.0f) return 1.0f; if (a < 0.0f) return -1.0f; return 0.0f; } // Given position/normal of the plane, calculates plane in camera space. private Vector4 CameraSpacePlane (Camera cam, Vector3 pos, Vector3 normal, float sideSign) { Vector3 offsetPos = pos + normal * m_ClipPlaneOffset; Matrix4x4 m = cam.worldToCameraMatrix; Vector3 cpos = m.MultiplyPoint( offsetPos ); Vector3 cnormal = m.MultiplyVector( normal ).normalized * sideSign; return new Vector4( cnormal.x, cnormal.y, cnormal.z, -Vector3.Dot(cpos,cnormal) ); } // Calculates reflection matrix around the given plane private static void CalculateReflectionMatrix (ref Matrix4x4 reflectionMat, Vector4 plane) { reflectionMat.m00 = (1F - 2F*plane[0]*plane[0]); reflectionMat.m01 = ( - 2F*plane[0]*plane[1]); reflectionMat.m02 = ( - 2F*plane[0]*plane[2]); reflectionMat.m03 = ( - 2F*plane[3]*plane[0]); reflectionMat.m10 = ( - 2F*plane[1]*plane[0]); reflectionMat.m11 = (1F - 2F*plane[1]*plane[1]); reflectionMat.m12 = ( - 2F*plane[1]*plane[2]); reflectionMat.m13 = ( - 2F*plane[3]*plane[1]); reflectionMat.m20 = ( - 2F*plane[2]*plane[0]); reflectionMat.m21 = ( - 2F*plane[2]*plane[1]); reflectionMat.m22 = (1F - 2F*plane[2]*plane[2]); reflectionMat.m23 = ( - 2F*plane[3]*plane[2]); reflectionMat.m30 = 0F; reflectionMat.m31 = 0F; reflectionMat.m32 = 0F; reflectionMat.m33 = 1F; } }
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