Unity C# Mathf – Collection de fonctions mathématiques

Mathf est une collection de fonction mathématique permettant très facilement de récupérer le signe d’un nombre, de calculer le minimum, le cosinus, ou même encore d’interpoler un nombre.


A collection of common math functions.

Static Properties

Deg2Rad Degrees-to-radians conversion constant (Read Only).
Epsilon A tiny floating point value (Read Only).
Infinity A representation of positive infinity (Read Only).
NegativeInfinity A representation of negative infinity (Read Only).
PI The infamous 3.14159265358979… value (Read Only).
Rad2Deg Radians-to-degrees conversion constant (Read Only).

Static Methods

Abs Returns the absolute value of f.
Acos Returns the arc-cosine of f – the angle in radians whose cosine is f.
Approximately Compares two floating point values and returns true if they are similar.
Asin Returns the arc-sine of f – the angle in radians whose sine is f.
Atan Returns the arc-tangent of f – the angle in radians whose tangent is f.
Atan2 Returns the angle in radians whose Tan is y/x.
Ceil Returns the smallest integer greater to or equal to f.
CeilToInt Returns the smallest integer greater to or equal to f.
Clamp Clamps a value between a minimum float and maximum float value.
Clamp01 Clamps value between 0 and 1 and returns value.
ClosestPowerOfTwo Returns the closest power of two value.
CorrelatedColorTemperatureToRGB Convert a color temperature in Kelvin to RGB color.
Cos Returns the cosine of angle f.
DeltaAngle Calculates the shortest difference between two given angles given in degrees.
Exp Returns e raised to the specified power.
Floor Returns the largest integer smaller to or equal to f.
FloorToInt Returns the largest integer smaller to or equal to f.
GammaToLinearSpace Converts the given value from gamma (sRGB) to linear color space.
InverseLerp Calculates the linear parameter t that produces the interpolant value within the range [a, b].
IsPowerOfTwo Returns true if the value is power of two.
Lerp Linearly interpolates between a and b by t.
LerpAngle Same as Lerp but makes sure the values interpolate correctly when they wrap around 360 degrees.
LerpUnclamped Linearly interpolates between a and b by t with no limit to t.
LinearToGammaSpace Converts the given value from linear to gamma (sRGB) color space.
Log Returns the logarithm of a specified number in a specified base.
Log10 Returns the base 10 logarithm of a specified number.
Max Returns largest of two or more values.
Min Returns the smallest of two or more values.
MoveTowards Moves a value current towards target.
MoveTowardsAngle Same as MoveTowards but makes sure the values interpolate correctly when they wrap around 360 degrees.
NextPowerOfTwo Returns the next power of two value.
PerlinNoise Generate 2D Perlin noise.
PingPong PingPongs the value t, so that it is never larger than length and never smaller than 0.
Pow Returns f raised to power p.
Repeat Loops the value t, so that it is never larger than length and never smaller than 0.
Round Returns f rounded to the nearest integer.
RoundToInt Returns f rounded to the nearest integer.
Sign Returns the sign of f.
Sin Returns the sine of angle f.
SmoothDamp Gradually changes a value towards a desired goal over time.
SmoothDampAngle Gradually changes an angle given in degrees towards a desired goal angle over time.
SmoothStep Interpolates between min and max with smoothing at the limits.
Sqrt Returns square root of f.
Tan Returns the tangent of angle f in radians.
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